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Setting up a Sharepoint integration

Read time: < 2 minute | How to point your bot at your internal Sharepoint instance.

Matthew Lanham avatar
Written by Matthew Lanham
Updated over 4 months ago

Should you want us to include Sharepoint content within your chatbot, then you will need to provide us with a way to authenticate. Currently the preferred method for that is to register an app for the Sharepoint site, and then provide us with a Client ID & Secret for us to use to authenticate.

We use the in-built Sharepoint API to access the sites content rather than traditional scraping techniques.

Step 1: Register an app

This is done within your Sharepoint tenant by visiting the following URL:

https://[your tenant][your site name]/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx

For example during our test, this URL was:

Once you are on this page, you'll be presented with the following screen:

  • Client Id: [Click Generate]

  • Client Secret: [Click Generate]

  • Title: Gecko

  • App Domain: localhost

Make a note of both the Client Id, and Client Secret as you will need to provide those to Gecko to authenticate with.

Step 2: Give the app Sharepoint permissions

Now that we have an app, we need to provide the permissions to access sharepoint, this is done on a slightly different URL in the admin interface:

https://[your tenant]

During our test setup the URL was:

You will then be presented with the following screen:

Paste the "Client Id" from the previous step into the "App Id" field and then [click Lookup], this will retrieve the app and if it works it should automatically fill out the other fields for you and you will see the following:

In the last box, "Permissions Request XML" enter the following:

<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true"> <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/tenant" Right="FullControl" /> </AppPermissionRequests>

Next click on [Create]

Step 3: Send credentials to Gecko

Once the above is completed, you will need to provide us with:

Client ID

Client Secret

Sharepoint Site URL

We can then conduct a test to ensure things are working as expected.

Any questions? Feel free to start a live chat with a member of our support team or explore the rest of our academy at your leisure.

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