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Read time: 6 minutes | See how Gecko's dashboard stats can help you better measure ROI.

Jonny Richardson avatar
Written by Jonny Richardson
Updated over a week ago

Being able to quickly see and analyze the impact your work in Gecko is having is crucial. Learn how Gecko's in-built reporting tools can assist you.

If in-app reporting isn't what you're looking for, then know that almost all data held in your Gecko account can be exported.


There's so much data available to you in Engage that it can be overwhelming to know where to look! This section will give you some handy tips on where to start.


Form dashboards apply helpful visualization to how your students are responding to your form. To get started, go to Forms and click on the form you'd like to view the dashboard for. Click Actions > Form dashboard.

Doing so will take you to a page that breaks down how your students answer the questions on your form.

A screenshot of a Form Dashboard pie-chart visualization of a 'Level of Study' question.

Each dashboard can be further refined by applying contact filters, custom date ranges, and even filtering to see the event at which your response was captured.

In addition to the default widgets present on your form dashboard page, new widgets can be added by clicking Actions > New Widget and picking from any of the 140+ native widgets which can be fully customized.

Taking your response data outside of Gecko can be easily achieved by exporting your data.


Event dashboards indicate how students engage with specific events or all events over specific dates.

Viewing information on a specific event can be achieved by clicking into your event and, on the Overview page, clicking Actions > View event dashboard.

Each dashboard can be further refined by applying contact filters, custom date ranges, and even filtering to see the event at which your response was captured.

To see data on all events across your Gecko account, go to Dashboards and look for the Event dashboard.

In addition to the default widgets present on your event dashboard page, new widgets can be added by clicking Actions > New Widget and picking from any of the 140+ native widgets which can be fully customized.

Pulling your attendee/events data outside Gecko can be easily achieved by exporting your data.


The success of your broadcasts (email or SMS) can be measured in several ways in Gecko.

Firstly, the Overview screen of your broadcast will break down your outcomes. Each card can be clicked on to filter results. Hovering the mouse over each contact's color indicator circle will show you their status, and the filters can be used to identify status en masse.

A screenshot showing filters being used to find students who failed in a broadcast.

Clicking the Stats tab of your broadcast will let you learn how successfully your message template was received, providing information on the following:

  • Delivery rate - The % of messages delivered to the recipient's phone.

  • Open rate - The % of messages that were opened.

  • Click-through rate - The % of messages where at least one link was clicked.

  • Times of the day - Approx. times of day (hour) the message was sent/opened.

  • Message by status - A count of all messages and their message status.

  • Click analysis - An analysis of the links that were clicked.

  • User-agent - Device type used when engaging with the message.

  • Email platform - Which email platform was used to open the message?

  • Geo Location - The country the recipient was in when the message was opened.

A wealth of additional broadcast information can be seen by visiting the Messages tab. This page fully summarizes every email or text message sent through Gecko and can be manipulated to give precisely filtered views.

Stats information can also be gleaned on a template level by going to Settings > Email & SMS Templates and clicking the template you'd like to see the stats for.

To supplement Gecko's native reporting, pulling broadcast data out of Gecko can be easily achieved by exporting your data.


Call dashboards can be used to give live updates on your calls' effectiveness.

Viewing information on a specific call campaign can be achieved by clicking into your call campaign and, on the Overview page, clicking Actions > View live report.

Each dashboard can be further refined by applying contact filters, custom date ranges, and even filtering to see the event at which your response was captured.

Call supervisors can view all call campaigns holistically by navigating to the Calls section. Each tab brings a unique set of reporting capabilities:

  • Overview - Supervisors can view current agents online and monitor inbound call queues. The Feed showcases all calls being made/logged and links to the call recordings, if applicable, to allow for playback.

  • Calls - A highly filterable/customizable version of the Overview page. Showcases all calls made by date, status, types, users, campaigns, and outcomes. Column headers can be customized by clicking Columns in the top-right corner.

  • Numbers - Showcases the traffic/agents available for inbound phone numbers.

  • Reporting - Provides a granular breakdown of calls' effectiveness by call outcome and date ranges. This a super helpful page for spotting trends into when calls yield the best outcomes.

  • Agents - An overview of all call agents and their current status.

Wanting to take your call data outside of Gecko? This can be easily achieved by exporting your data.


Chat has some helpful data visualizations in the Stats, designed to help you understand your work's impact on your business.


To learn more about how students (and chat agents) are using your Chat instance, go to Stats.

Results can be refined by selecting any available filters and clicking Apply Filter.

The Conversation page is designed to showcase overall account traffic, the most popular channels, median responses, conversation length times, and more.

The Teams page is a more insular look at how your agents and teams use the Chat platform; how many messages they're sending in, conversations they're closing, median response times, etc.

All of your data showcased on the stats pages can be exported.


To better understand your bot's performance, go to Stats > Bots. Results can be refined by picking your filter options and then clicking Apply Filter. There are several notable bot metrics that Gecko tracks:

  • Resolve conversations - The % of conversations handled exclusively by the bot without your human agents/teams having to step in. Only Closed conversations are counted towards this metric.

  • Message success rate - The % of messages where a student didn't reply with πŸ‘Ž Not Useful or in a negative fashion.

  • Time saved - A count of the time between the bot's first and final messages across all conversations.

  • Median conversation length - A comparison of convo length in conversations where:

    • Assign to chatbot - Only the bot took part in the conversation

    • Assigned to human - Only human agents/team members took part in the conversation

    • Assigned to both - Both the bot and human agents/team members took part in the conversations

  • Closed conversations - The total number of bot-only conversations vs conversations in which human agents/team members participated.

Any of your data showcased on the stats pages can be exported for analysis with third-party tools.


When Live Chat conversations are closed, either by a student or by a member of your team, the student will be asked to give feedback on how well their question was resolved. They'll be able to express this by choosing between 5 different emojis: 😠, 😟, 😐, πŸ˜€, and 😍 and by providing text feedback.

After the feedback has been given, the conversation will be moved to the Closed conversation filter.

Your Admin and Supervisors can visualize the ratings at any time by heading to Stats > Conversations and finding the Conversation Ratings page.

A screenshot showing a breakdown of Conversation Ratings expressed across a Bar Graph.

Individual comments can be analyzed by heading to the Stats > Ratings page.

Any questions? Start a live chat with a support team member, or feel free to explore the rest of our academy. Spotted an error or want to suggest a future article for the academy? Let us know here.

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