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Read time: 2 minutes | Learn how webhooks can integrate Gecko with third-party tools and apps.

Jonny Richardson avatar
Written by Jonny Richardson
Updated over a week ago
A webhooks logo.

Webhooks are powerful tools for pushing Gecko contact/response to external applications. They're often used with third-party tools like Zapier, which catch the webhook before sending the Gecko data to other platforms, such as SIS, SRS, or CRMs.

Using webhooks or an SFTP connection are both popular ways of integrating with Tribal SITS.


Webhooks can be configured within Engage on a workflow or system-wide integration level.

Webhook integrations

To create a webhook integration with Gecko, go to Settings > Integrations and click + New Integration in the top-right corner. Pick Webhooks.

You'll be prompted to provide the following information to Gecko:

  • Integration Name - Internal only. What do you want to call your integration?

  • URL - The end-point URL you'd like to send your webhook to.

  • Auth key - (optional) the auth key we should use when accessing the endpoint.

  • Auth value - (optional) the auth value to use when accessing the end-point.

  • Encoding type - How would you like your webhook to be formatted? JSON, XML or Form array?

  • XML Structure - If the Encoding type = XML, how should your XML be structured?

  • Array format - Gecko supports default or comma-separated values.

  • Date format - How should dates be encoded?

Once your integration has been set up, you'll need to configure labels for your webhooks. This can be done by clicking + New Attribute in the top-right corner and providing a label and external ID for your webhook values before mapping these values to corresponding Gecko contact fields.

Finally, navigate to the Contacts & Responses section of the integration mapping page. Select when you'd like Gecko to trigger your webhook integration - when contacts are synced or when form responses are synced.

Webhook workflows

Webhook workflows can be configured on forms, events, or as part of call scripts. Go to your form/event/call script and navigate to the Workflows tab. Add a new workflow and click + Actions > Send a webhook.

Enter the URL of your end-point and pick whether you'd like your webhook to be encoded in JSON or XML. When configuring a form or call script webhook, you can specify whether your webhook should include empty values. If set to false/off, Gecko will only include fields that are not empty (i.e., questions the students answered) in the webhook payload. If set to true/on, Gecko will always have every field on your form/script in the webhook payload, irrespective of whether the student provided an answer in the field.

Finally, you'll be able to provide basic authentication parameters in the form of a username and password, which will be sent to your endpoint in the webhook header.

Using webhooks and third-party applications

Webhooks can be combined with third-party tools like Zapier or Pipedream to create super-powerful workflows. The above example shows how a simple send a webhook workflow can automatically update a spreadsheet!


Webhook integrations

Gecko Chat can be configured to automatically send JSON webhooks to your endpoint whenever a conversation is closed.

To start, go to Settings > Integrations, find the Webhooks card, and click Setup. Enter your end-point URL and optional auth key/values.

Once saved, any conversation that is closed on Chat will automatically push the conversation transcript, contact details, and a host of metadata to your webhook URL.

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