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Capture app

Read time: < 4 minutes | Install and use Gecko's offline data capture app.

Jonny Richardson avatar
Written by Jonny Richardson
Updated over a week ago

The Capture app allows you to capture leads easily without paper or spreadsheets by sharing your beautifully branded forms with students. Crucially, the app lets you capture leads both online and offline.

Downloading the app

The Capture app is designed to be lightweight and will work on a range of device types. We recommend using a device within the last two generations for optimum performance. Installing the app is no different from installing any other app on your iOS or Android device. Tap the store you wish to access below, or log into Gecko and navigate to Download Apps.




A button linking to the Apple App store to download the app.

A button linking to the Android Google Play store to download the app.

A button linking to the Android Amazon app store to download the app.

Setting up the app

Open the Capture app and tap Admin > Settings > Refresh Forms and Events. This will download the latest version of your forms to your device. Everything from this point onward can be done entirely offline!

Navigate to the Forms tab and use the checkbox icon to choose which forms to display on the Capture app homepage.

πŸ’‘ Not seeing the form you're looking for on the Admin > Forms page? It may be that you don't have permission to view the form. If that's the case, be sure to speak with your administrator!

Let's talk about three of the most useful features when setting up your app:

  • Default Values

    • πŸ“ Where? | Admin > Forms > {Your Form Name}

    • πŸ’‘ What? | Allows you to pre-select values on your form. Suppose you're attending a recruitment fair in India; you could pre-select the values of India for nationality, telephone dial code, and the address country fields. These default values can be easily changed by students filling in the form. Default values are only pre-selected for your app and won't affect the form anywhere else.

  • Current Event

    • πŸ“ Where? | Admin > Settings > Current Event

    • πŸ’‘ What? | Allows you to say which of your Gecko events you're capturing leads at. Once selected, any leads captured from your app will be linked to the event. Any students who submit a response will be added to the Gecko event with the Attended status.

  • Automatically sync responses to Gecko

    • πŸ“ Where? | Admin > Settings > Advanced Settings > Automatically sync to Gecko

    • πŸ’‘ What? | If toggled on and you have an active internet connection, the Capture app will automatically push any leads back to Gecko as soon as the lead is captured. When set to off, you can review and edit responses in the app before syncing them back in bulk.

Using the app

When you're ready to capture leads, return to the Capture app homepage and tap on the form you'd like to start capturing data with.

Now, hand your device to the students! That's all you need to do! When a student taps the click icon in the bottom right corner, it'll save the lead on the app and reset the form for the next student.

If you notice a queue forming, the app can be turned into a scannable QR code. Tap QR Page in the app's top-right corner and allow students to scan the QR code. This will open up a browser-based version of the form for them to complete!

Syncing back to Gecko

When you're finished capturing leads, it's time to sync your data back to Gecko. Head to the Admin > Responses tab.

A screenshot showing the orange/green sync status of captured responses.

Any responses with an orange bar beside them show that the lead has not yet been synced with Gecko.

🟒 Any responses with a green bar beside them show that the lead has been synced successfully.

🟠 Any non-synced (orange) leads can be freely edited at any time, notes left, and tags assigned.

To sync your leads back to Gecko, head to Admin > Settings and tap Upload Responses. Responses can be batch-deleted from the app by tapping the Bulk delete responses option at the bottom of the Admin > Responses page.


Here are some of the more common problems people run into when using the Capture app:

πŸ”Ž Issue: Why can't my team see my form on the app?

If a member of your team is unable to find the correct form on the Capture app, it can often be for one of the following reasons:

  • Permissions - Log into Gecko and navigate to Forms > {the form you want to share}. Click the Permissions tab and ensure your team member has permission to view your form. Permissions can be assigned to individual users or entire user groups.

  • Internet - Double check you have an active internet connection on your device. Gecko will use this to download the form. We recommend opening a browser and visiting a new webpage for the first time. If the page loads proceed to the next step!

  • Latest version - Ask your team member to open the Capture app, navigate to Admin > Settings, and ask them to note the App version. Check this is the latest version of the app by visiting the app download page on your device's app store.

  • Download the form - Ask your team member to open the capture app, navigate to Admin > Forms and pull down to refresh the page. In doing so, the app will download all of the latest versions of the form that your team member has permission to view. Now ask them to manually search for the form by name or use the search bar at the top of the page to find the form. Once found, ensure the form has a tick in its checkbox so it will appear on the app's main page.

Still encountering issues? Feel free to reach out to the Gecko support team.

πŸ”Ž Issue: Why are some of the fields on my form not showing on the app?

Gecko supports a wide range of form field types. However, some of these field types are too complex to be supported on the offline Capture app and will not show.

A screenshot showing a field compatibility issue.

Form fields with compatibility issues are shown on the form builder with a question mark icon next to their name. Hovering over the icon will reveal if the field will only display on web-based forms or the mobile app.

  • ❌ Form fields will not display on the Capture app:

    • Event field

    • Text block

    • File

    • Repeatable

    • Matrix

πŸ’‘ Are you looking to display a text block on the capture app? We recommend using the Form Section field!

  • βœ… Form fields that will display on the Capture app:

    • Media

πŸ”Ž Issue: Why aren't my responses syncing back to Gecko?

Don't panic! Be sure to check out the video above on syncing responses. Suppose you're struggling to upload your responses back to Gecko, and your captured responses still have an orange bar next to them on the Admin > Responses tab (reminder: green means they've successfully synced!). In that case, we recommend double-checking you have an active internet connection. Open a browser on your device and try visiting a new webpage for the first time.

If that doesn't work, it might be worth checking that your user group has sufficient permission to sync responses back to Gecko. Your app users will need all of the permissions included in the default Mobile-only user group to be able to sync responses back to Gecko successfully.

Still, encountering issues? Feel free to reach out to the Gecko support team.

Any questions? Start a live chat with a support team member, or feel free to explore the rest of our academy. Spotted an error or want to suggest a future article for the academy? Let us know here.

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